For The Common Goods

Published - 13 April 2021, Tuesday

For The Common Goods is premised on two ideas - for the common good, and goods for the common folk. They desire is to bring furniture that is thoughtfully designed and sustainably produced closer to the common folk, enabling a better appreciation of good product design and craftsmanship.

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Sophie George

RATED 8 / 8

When visiting For the Common Goods, expect environmentally sustainable furniture pieces from small brands and craftsmen spanning the globe — such as, Fred and Bobo, PDM, tossB, Everyday Studio, VIJ5, and Studiohiji. Living up to their mission of ‘for the common good, and goods for the common folk’ — the local brand is drawn to the underlying thought process behind creating a piece of furniture — from conceptualizing, to designing, sourcing materials, and finally production. Prices begin from $220 onwards, and the satisfactory selection of furnishings found here makes it a lovely choice to pick up durable furniture to dress your home with.

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