Children's Dentistry

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

I would like to introduce Dr. Zanelle Vorster Dental Surgeon at Expat Dental, to the expat community in Singapore. She has answers to those all important question any parent will be asking when your child nears the age to make that first visit to the dentist.

When to first take a child to the dentist is a very common question amongst parents. It might seem like a very young age but certainly by two years of age all children should have been to the dentist at least once. Ideally the first visit does not reveal any concerns, though it is not uncommon, but is aimed at introducing each toddler to the dental environment with a fun and pleasant experience.

As a parent this is also a great opportunity to clarify any unanswered questions you may have about looking after your child’s teeth. Six monthly visits should continue after the first visit while introducing something new at every visit until your toddler is completely comfortable getting a comprehensive exam and a cleaning done while your dentist can detect any concerns early.

At six years of age changes start to occur which your dentist will monitor closely. The first wiggly tooth often distracts from the first adult molar coming into place. A panoramic X-ray will be taken at this age to confirm that dental development is progressing normally. Early orthodontic indicators can often be identified between six and nine years of age.

Unfortunately many children require dental treatment early on in life. At expatdental® our experienced Dentists aim to make these visits as easy as possible for you and your child regardless of the treatment required. Whether it is using distraction techniques or whilst they are comfortably watching a movie, we will look after them. We also offer sedation and general anaesthesia options where it is necessary. Their well being is our first priority.

How often should my Child visit the Dentist?

As for adults, all children should visit the dentist every six months. This will allow the child to become accustomed to a regular dental routine where they can be educated about taking responsibility for their dental health and the dental professional can monitor any changes or concerns.

Should baby teeth be flossed?

Yes. Like adult teeth, baby teeth can often be positioned close to one another causing plaque accumulation in between which can lead to cavities. It is also beneficial to introduce flossing habits early on and encourage it to become a habit.

What will the dentist do when I take my two year old for their first visit?

At two years of age many baby teeth are already present. Your Dentist will gently try to have a look at all of these teeth and make sure there is no early reason for concern. It will also be an opportunity to answer any question you as a parent may have regarding dietary and oral hygiene habits. Your Dentist will also take some time to introduce your toddler to a few of the components of the dental chair.

Why does my child need dental x-rays?

X-rays allows your dentist to see areas between teeth or within the jaw bone which otherwise can not be assessed. There are key stages where X-rays are indicated to monitor dental development and assess the need for intervention both orthodontically or restoratively. Failure to assess these areas may lead to irreparable damage.

What do I do if my child's tooth is hit and knocked out?

First, try your best to calm down. Find the tooth, and any pieces of it. If you have saline, place it in saline. If your child is old enough to understand, have them put it in their check to keep it in it’s most natural environment. Last resort, put it in some milk. Do not wash the tooth or scrub it at all; you could damage the fibers on the root of the tooth. Call the Expat Dental After Hours phone number 9833 8706 or visit our website here.

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