Nassim Plastic Surgery - Ptosis Surgery Singapore

Published - 31 October 2022, Monday

Nassim Plastic Surgery is committed to providing ptosis surgery that is safe and affordable.

Ptosis surgery

Learn about ptosis and how it can be corrected with a simple, outpatient procedure.

How can Ptosis be corrected?

There are two main methods for correcting ptosis: upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery. Upper eyelid surgery can be used to raise the drooping eyelids, while lower eyelid surgery can be used to shorten the length of the eye muscle or release the orbital septum. Find out more about these procedures here.

What should I do before having ptosis surgery?

It's important to visit your nearest Nassim Plastic Surgery clinic for a consultation before you decide on which procedure is right for you! Ptosis surgery can help you achieve a more youthful look, brighter facial expression and less tired or puffy eyes. Whether you're looking to remove excess skin, tighten up sagging skin or just want a more youthful look, ptosis surgery is the perfect solution. With ptosis surgery, you can also enjoy improved vision, smoother and tighter skin, and a defined upper eyelid crease.

Our plastic surgery clinic is conveniently located at 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649 and you can reach us over the phone at 6517 9890 with any questions or to schedule a consultation about ptosis surgery.

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