Ying The Label

Published - 01 November 2021, Monday

'Less is more; Odd is beautiful' - A unique handwriting underpins all of Ying The Label's designs, from its quaint choice of colours, out-of-the-ordinary silhouettes and humble detailings. Ying The Label is attentively minimalistic and inspired by the everyday, and the people that surround them all.

Ying The Label knows you best, if your wardrobe is filled with black, white and blue, then its time to add that splash of colour. They assure you it will brighten up your day! Image Credit: Ying The Label

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I created Ying The Label out of my immense passion for painting. I wanted to tell my stories through art, because it was my way of self-expression. Inspired by the simplest of things that I experience in my life, and using fabrics as my canvas, I hope to take you through an emotional, but adventurous journey.

– Ying

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