Sabrina Goh

Published - 01 November 2021, Monday

Sabrina Goh​​​​​​​ is a forward-thinking contemporary fashion brand established in 2009 with an enduring goal to present an inspired view of design. Drawing inspiration from the ‘divine creator’, the original spirit of ELOHIM is enfolded into the geometric features and connectedness of its enduring brand mark. Image Credit: Sabrinagoh

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Since 2009, SABRINAGOH has grown from a small 1-rack consignment space in a multi-label store to having its own standalone flagship and being stocked internationally at landmark department stores in major cities such as New York, Washington DC, Utah and in Japan.

SABRINAGOH is built upon a commitment to design, stringent product selection and going the extra mile across its organization. As a producer, we value close partnerships with designers, artists and producers in our ecosystem involved in creating our overall proposition: a deep appreciation for the products we carry.

Our growth is a reflection of a shared belief and philosophy with our customers, buyers, commercial partners and creative collaborators.

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