Double Eyelid Surgery

Published - 06 May 2020, Wednesday

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Singapore is known to cater all types of plastic surgery and is home to some of the best plastic surgeons in Asia and in the world. With all the plastic surgery procedures available, double eyelid surgery or clinical term blepharoplasty is by far the most common type of procedure done. This can be traced to the fact that Asian eye features lack the crease that gives a double eyelid look.

Many Asian women and men desire to have double eyelids because it gives additional accent to the eyes and have a more tantalizing effect when putting eye make up. The double eyelid feature accentuates the eyes making it more attractive and provocative. It is, however, interesting to note that men have fewer desire for double eyelids as compared to women. This is because Asian men are notably more attractive when they have single eyelids.

With the increasing trend of double eyelids, you may be enticed to try out this new facial feature but it’s good to learn the facts first. This article will let you know what you need to know about double eyelid surgery in Singapore.

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