Working Mum Hacks: 10 Tricks for Keeping a Spotless House

Published - 19 September 2022, Monday

Keeping your home spotless is not an easy task. This task becomes more challenging if you are a working mum. Most working mums find it difficult to balance full time work, attending to the needs of growing children, and doing the household chores along with the cleaning.

With so many things to look after, even a mum having to attend the office - outside of the home can keep their house neat and clean with minimal effort. It's easier when you know how. This article has 10 hacks for working mums to keep their dwelling well organised even with a super busy schedule.

1.  Place the Things in Their Right Place

Putting things in the right place after using them is one of the best tips if you want to keep your house spotless and organised. With this rule, you drastically reduce the chances of clutter and mess.

You can also call it a one-touch control. It means that when you take out anything, always remember to put it back to its original position so that at a time when you need it, you do not waste time looking for it.

For instance,  when you come back from the office, put your coat, laptop, bad, everything at its place, else the next day you will end up wasting time looking for it. When you have used anything, your goal should be putting it back in its proper place.  Trust me, and this will save your time and efforts.

2.  Wash Your Laundry Daily

Nobody likes to do laundry, especially working moms. But you have to do it no matter what. This laundry becomes more hectic when you have kids.

Try not to let the laundry pile up. I would say do it every night or after one night. The best time to do it is when your kids are gone to sleep. Doing your laundry every day will not take more than 10-15 minutes, as you will be doing it frequently.

In this way, you won't consider laundry as a separate, burdensome task, as it will become an everyday chore.

3.  Delegate Tasks

The best way to keep your house spotless is to delegate the tasks amongst other family members. It is good never to take too much workload for yourself. Ask your husband and your kids to share the workload with you or consider eMaids Cleaning Service of NYC.

You can either divide the workload daily or every week.  But make sure that the duties are delegated. For better outcomes, assign deadlines for each task.

For instance,  ask your partner to help you with carpet cleaning, washing dishes, and loading the dishwasher every night. 

4.  Clean Before Going to Bed

For working moms, this house cleaning hack works wonders. When your kids are gone to bed, It is better to clean your house and put back things in their right places before going to bed. During this time, give priority to cleaning. Cleaning the mess before it clutters will help you out. Make sure not to get distracted by TV, phone, or mail at that time.

5.  Teach Your Children

kids love to make a mess, but they are never happy to clean it. Teach your children the importance of cleaning and organising things. When you have less time for household chores, being a working mom makes your children understand your situation and ask them to help you.

You can start with little things, like asking them to collect their toys or books after they are done, cleaning the dinner table, or putting the laundry clothes. Believe it or not, involving your children in household chores can bring a significant difference to your home's outlook.

6.  De-Clutter Your Home

Everything in your home should have its place, but too much stuff can hold you back from doing it. e.g., if you have too many clothes, your laundry will always be full, or your cupboard will be untidy, and there will be stuff all over the house.

Similarly, too many toys will give the play area a messy look. Therefore, de-clutter your home every two months to get rid of the things you don't use. You can donate toys and clothes that your kids have outgrown, or you can send them to recycling.

The KonMari Method by Marie Kondo is helpful here; it offers step-by-step tips for de-cluttering your home. Avoid collecting too much because you need little space for less stuff, and it means less to clean up.

7.  Get Storage Boxes

Collect storage boxes of different sizes and put your stuff into them to make your home look organised and clean. It is an easy solution to dump the extra items. I would suggest keeping these shelves or boxes somewhere in the corner, where they are out of sight and do not give a messy look. There is a wide variety of storage shelves or boxes at IKEA or Target.

8.  Use Automatic Machines

Thanks to technology for making life more comfortable. If you have a strict work schedule and kids to look after, try to automate possible things. Get an automated washing machine for laundry and an automatic dishwasher or vacuum. Automatic machines help you do your chores even if you are not home or busy doing something else. Just programme them to stop when it is done.

9.  Arrange Cleaning Stations

Arrange cleaning stations in your house, as this makes cleaning easy. Believe me; it is a game-changer. Usually, washrooms or kitchen are the two places which require cleaning quite often.

So if you in the bathroom, making your kid poo or wash hands, you can utilize the time by cleaning the sink. Same, if you are in the kitchen, waiting for your food to get cooked, you can start cleaning the kitchen shelves or dining table.

10.  Take Services

You can avail the services of a cleaning company for the thorough cleaning of the house. There is no harm in it. It is easy to clean a home that is already cleaned by professionals. Your life becomes more manageable if your home is cleaned thoroughly after every few months.

Now you have 10 handy house cleaning hacks to make your house spotless, no matter how busy you are.

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Keeping your home spotless is not an easy task. This task becomes more challenging if you are a working mum. Most working mums find it difficult to balance full time work, attending to the needs of growing children, and doing the household chores along with the cleaning.