How to Practice Self-Care While Traveling

Published - 10 August 2023, Thursday
  • Travelling

The joys of travelling are familiar to us all, and we’re all looking forward to travelling returning to its unrestricted former self. However, we often forget that travel can also cause burnout.

Both our physical and mental health is liable to suffering, no matter how much fun we’re having and how breathtaking the destinations are. To help you make the most out of future destinations, let’s take a look at some self-care tips you can practice wherever you are travelling.

Pack Your Own Self-Care Kit

Face Mask

Being away from home can be a challenge simply because you are away from your own things and the routines you love and practice. To make any trip more enjoyable, pack a small self-care kit that contains all of your personal essentials. That way, you’ll make any destination feel more like home.

This can include some of your favorite tea, a hot water bottle, some very cozy slippers, a face mask, etc. Think of anything you may find that helps you relax and feel better about your day. 

Take Care of Your Skin 

Skincare while traveling is incredibly important. The lack of sleep, a different diet, and new weather conditions can all negatively impact the moisture levels in your skin and its overall appearance. That’s why practicing a good skincare routine is crucial. 

Make sure to take your most trusty, proven-to-work products with you when traveling. Don’t experiment with new ingredients – at least not until you get back home and your skin is doing well. That way, you will know exactly if a product agrees with you or not.

Keep a Travel Journal 


Sometimes, it can be very difficult to remember everything that has happened on a trip. Naturally, we get so overwhelmed with all the different experiences. The mind simply gets no time to grab on to them and commit them to memory. 

You might also find yourself a bit overwhelmed with all the new sights, sounds, and smells. It’s natural to be unable to process it all and destress at the end of an eventful day.

Keeping a travel or a mindfulness journal will help you remember the best parts of any trip – especially the smaller, more precious details. Plus, it’s also a great way to debrief at the end of a long day. 

Sleep in Sometimes 

While you may want to spend all your time exploring and enjoying the new scenery, you do sometimes need to take a break, lie in, and catch up on your sleep. After all, it’s much more difficult to enjoy anything about your trip when you are sleep-deprived and a bit cranky.

Unless you have a very short time to explore a certain location, make it a point to get plenty of sleep. Spend some time in your accommodation as well. Even reading a book or watching some local TV can recharge your batteries and prepare you for the adventures ahead.

Don’t Eat out All the Time


One of the ultimate joys of travelling is getting to try all kinds of new dishes. However, you may want to make sure you eat foods that are familiar to you more often than not, even if that means making your own meals. This is especially important if your stomach struggles with adjusting to new diets.

Don’t forget that overeating will likely cause all kinds of digestion issues. Plus, it will surely make you feel more sluggish and less energized. So, think about the foods you eat before you regret stuffing yourself full with a particularly heavy local delicacy.

Manage Your Expectations 

Finally, make sure that you are not expecting too much from your trip, your travel companions, and yourself. After all, you can’t always be your best self when travelling. You’re bound to have down days, especially if you’re jet-lagged. 

Sometimes, we tend to set ourselves up for disappointment when we expect too much from a destination. If you’ve been dreaming about visiting a particular place or having a specific experience, you might want to tone your enthusiasm down a bit. After all, no reality can ever match your imagination.

Final Thoughts 

To make the most of all your travels, you need to practice some basic self-care principles. Start by putting less pressure on yourself and truly focusing on enjoying everything that surrounds you. Immerse yourself in the present. 

After all, most of these experiences will be unique. You will never again be able to see the same sights and experience the same scenery as it was just then. Let go of your worries and get plenty of rest, and your travels should be just how you hoped – and more.

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